3rd Business & MBA Gala Dinner

Ljubljana, Friday 3. 6. 2016

MBA & Business Gala stands for an international annual gathering of Slovenian and international business professionals, entrepreneurs, CEO’s and MBA’s. Each year an international team of organisers under the flag of IAMPRO joins forces with partners to make a memorable event, a gala dinner, where local and international business sphere can network, meet their peer alumni or alumni from various business schools. Accompanied by music program and charity auction it is certainly a night to remember.
IAMPRO stands for International Association of MBA Professionals (www.iampro.eu). It is a formation, powered by impartial interests of organisations and individuals with a common goal to network, boost business potential and learn from each other business cases. Members of IAMPRO are CEO's, managers, alumni of various MBA schools, national universities with MBA programs, business professionals and managers from Adriatic and Central European region.
Powered by the non-for-profit Business Intelligence Center and business individuals, IAMPRO is an independent formation, located in a beautiful capital of Slovenia, Ljubljana.

About IAMPRO awards

IAMPRO awards are MBA peer to peer awards, granted by IAMPRO for special achievements in business. Each year an international list of nominees is published and put to open voting to the IAMPRO community. Winners in several categories are revealed and awarded at the event ceremony. This years´ nomination process placed a record (over 400 peer to peer votes were given) so the awards will be granted in the next categories: Ethics and Social responsibility Award, Industry Leadership Award, MBA Alumni engagement Award, Outstanding performances Award, MBA Alumni network Award, MBA Entrepreneurial Award, and Order of merit Award.
Nomination process was conducted, as follows: this year's nominees were chosen and nominated by IAMPRO executive board. When confirmed, nominees were published and put to voting. 50 % of the final result is given by peer to peer voting (by IAMPRO & MBA community) and 50 % by expert commission, consisting of selected IAMPRO board members. As the results in some categories were very tight, the commission decided, in some categories, to announce two winners as well as give out a special recognition award to individuals, who achieved a high number of votes and notable accomplishments in certain category.



The nominees in this category make important contributions to society and the economy, the impacts of which are sometimes overlooked.
This year two of the nominees stood out. The first winner of Ethics and Social Responsibility Award was Mr. Gregor Pajič, a member and future governor of Lions Slovenia, and the second winner was Mr. Andrej Latin, CEO of Med over Net.



The industry leadership award is granted to an MBA manager or an alumnus who is at the forefront of his/hers industry and whose career has been exemplary, interdisciplinary and/or

media exposed. Nominees present their excellence trough work achievements, project leadership, business or brand growth, specific product or services innovations or other significant achievements within the industry.
The winners were: Janko Medja, CEO, EQUI, for his accomplishments as a former president of NLB and Mate Rimac, who is succesfully leading one of the most well known Croatian car companies – Rimac Avtomobili.




MBA alumni engagement award was granted this year to Ivan Vučetić. This award recognizes a member who has provided exceptional promotion of the MBA studies and has shown great engagement in development of the MBA community locally or nationally. Nominees in this category can be individuals, who significantly engage in alumni activities, contribute to the MBA culture with their actions, boost alumni network and significantly engage in MBA alumni projects /activities.




The outstanding performances award is granted by IAMPRO for overall achievements, performances, international engagement, business excellence, boosting general economic sphere locally and internationally.
Winners in this category were: Enzo Smrekar, Atlantic Grupa, who received this award for successful brand development as well as for excellent leadership and encouraging business results and Iztok Klančnik, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, for successfully transforming former HP to Hewlett Packard Enterprise and thus to manage to continue its brand operation in Slovenia.





MBA Alumni network Award is granted to alumni club or network and is handed out to its' alumni president or representative for activities, special achievements, projects and other significant accomplishments which have contributed to the recognition of the alumni MBA society.
This year's awards went to MBA Croatia and to MBA Club Radovljica. Both clubs are awarded for their organisation of informal events and their vision of connecting with other MBA clubs.



IAMPRO has developed the MBA Entrepreneurial Award to encourage and promote the value of entrepreneurship in the current competitive climate and to highlight its importance in the global market.
This year there were three winners and two special recognition awards handed out in this category: Niko Slavnič, CEO, In Your Pocket, Luka Peršič, CEO and co-founder of ComfortClick, Ana Laura Rednak, CEO, Plastika Skaza.
Special recognition awards were given to Jure Tomc, CEO, JT Business Development Limited and Dino Ivan Tot, CEO, 1nadan.si



Gala dinner was concluded with a charity auction. Contributions were raised for two start-ups, which will receive a full BIC membership and mentorship, and for a Slovenian organisation Zveza Prijateljev Mladine and their programs that help underprivileged children.


ORDER OF MERIT granted to Dr. Danica Purg

This year's order of merit was granted to Professor Danica Purg, President of the IEDC-Bled School of Management, Slovenia, and the President of CEEMAN, international association for management development in dynamic societies, which brings together 210 management development institutions from 54 countries. She is also leading the European Leadership Centre (ELC). She is an excellent international business woman, a member of multiple organisations and boards, who dedicated her career and life to developing and upgrading quality and ethical MBA programs, which is reflected in the excellence and worldwide visibility of IEDC Bled School of Management.

View Iampro MBA Award winners 2016 here!

View Iampro MBA Award winners 2015 here!

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